CSCI444 - Linux System Administration

Link to resource on GitHub

Final Project


  • Setup 3 node cluster
    • Kubernetes running a single cluster across all 3 nodes.
    • Shared NFS /home folders
    • Grader account w/ SSH key on all nodes
  • Automate w/ Ansible or Puppet


For help refer to Kubernetes Docs to setup a cluster with kubeadm

You only need to setup a basic cluster.

This command, from kubectl cheatsheet may be helpful to verify all of your nodes are in the cluster:


Get ExternalIPs of all nodes

$ kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}' ```

Answer Questions

Answer the following questions in file in your submission folder.

  1. What is Kubernetes?
  2. Why might you want a shared home directory?
  3. Why would you want to automate the setup?
  4. Did you setup your K8s cluster on GCP or locally? Why did you choose this route?

Submitting Project

Commit to the finalproject branch of your CSCI444 organization repo with the following:

  • Ansible Playbooks or Puppet Manifests
  • Ansible Inventory (if using ansible)
  • Any other needed files

Verify that you can see your files on GitHub for the repo under the finalproject branch. Also make sure your branch is named correctly or it will not be pulled for grading.
