CINS467 - Web and Mobile App Development

Link to resource on GitHub

Assignment 4 - Persistent Data on Client

In this assignment your app needs to do the following:

  • Use a Form
  • Needs to be some way for the user to give input.
  • This can be implemented with either an EditableText field or an actual Flutter Form with a TextField.
  • Store a Persistent State in the SQLite DB, local filesystem, or platform-specific persistent storage on the phone or web
  • You must successfully use one of the following plugins:
  • Have the Form update the state
  • When the form receives user input, it must update data that is stored in a persistent state.
  • View updates based on the changed state
  • When the data in storage changes, the view that the user sees must also update to reflect that change.

As long as your app does those tasks you will get credit for this assignment.

The goal of Assignment 4 is to give you experience working with user input, dealing with persistent storage, and handling interactions with the data so that any changes in storage are also reflected in the view that the user sees. Understanding how these components interact is important any time you are developing a dynamic web or mobile application, regardless of the framework.

Getting Graded

After completing Option 1 or Option 2, remember to submit your code to the assignment4 branch!

Option 1 - Android APK

Create a new APK for this assignment by running the flutter clean command, and then running the flutter build apk command. For more detailed instructions on creating and locating an APK, refer back to the instructions in Assignment 1.

When you have your APK, move it to the root directory of your GIT repo that you were given to turn in assignments for this class. You must only have one APK in your root directory (remember, each assignment should be submitted to a unique branch, so you can overwrite any previous APKs). Do not use Android Studio or VSCode to manage your VCS/Repo as it may screw up the repo. So for this assignment you should have a directory that looks like the following:

/ ...AssignmentProject/ ......ios/ ......web/ ......lib/ ......pubspec.yaml ......(Rest of App Files)

(Alternatively) Option 2 - Web URL

/ ...AssignmentProject/ ......ios/ ......lib/ ......web/ ......pubspec.yaml ......(Rest of firebase App Files) In your file you should have a web URL for your assignment hosted online.

Now submit your code to the assignment4 branch on GitLab:

bash git checkout -b assignment4 #create branch and switch to it git add -A #add all git commit -m "Assignment 4 Submission" #Commit changes to branch git push origin assignment4 #Push code up to assignment4 branch on remote

Make sure your branch is exactly named assignment4 matching the case, spacing, etc as my grading script will only pull your submission if it matches exactly.

If you plan on making multiple updates to the code on this branch, you can include the --set-upstream option when you push the code (i.e. git push --set-upstream origin assignment4) -- this adds an upstream (tracking) reference so that, any time you push or pull from this branch in the future, you can simply use git push or git pull, without specifying the remote and branch.

If you would like to merge your assignment4 branch with your main branch, you can run the following commands: bash git checkout main #switch to the main branch git merge assignment4 #join the development history from the assignment4 branch with the current (main) branch git push origin main #push the assignment4 history up to the main branch on the remote
