CSCI567 - Mobile Application Development

Link to resource on GitHub

Assignment 2 - Simple UI

In this assignment your app needs to do the following:

  • Have Three Buttons
  • Have two Text widgets
  • Update a Text widget contents based on which button was pressed.
  • Project name of "Simple UI <your name>", where you put your actual name in for <your name>

As long as your app does those tasks you will get credit for this assignment.

Getting Graded

When you have your APK move it to the root directory of your GIT repo that you were given to turn in assignments for this class. Do not use Android Studio to manage your VCS/Repo as it may screw up the repo. So for this assignment you should have a directory that looks like the following:

/ ...simple_UI_<your_name>.apk ...Assignment2/ ......ios/ ......lib/ ......pubspec.yaml ......(Rest of Simple UI App Files)

You should also name all your submissions as shown, replacing \<your name> with your actual name.

Now submit your code to the assignment2 branch:

git checkout -b assignment2 #create branch and switch to it git add -A #add all git commit -m "Assignment 2 Submission" #Commit changes to branch git push --set-upstream origin assignment2 #Push code up to assignment2 branch on remote

Make sure your branch is exactly named assignment2 matching the case, spacing, etc as my grading script will only pull your submission if it matches exactly.
